Category: Equipment
School Drone Lab Equipment & Furniture List | Labkafe
It seems drones are everywhere these days. If you go to a scenic location, chances are good that you’ll hear that buzzing noise nearby soon. But one needs a dedicated place to develop and research about drones ‒ a drone lab, to be sure. Today, we will talk about how to set up a drone…
Atal Tinkering Lab (ATL) and Robotics Lab Equipment | Labkafe
The times are changing and education needs to change with it. Nowadays, robotics is taking over much of the automated industry, and hence it is getting more and more important to make it a part of the regular education. With that thought in mind, the Niti Aayog has started a drive to implement Atal Tinkering…
47 Laboratory Apparatus List & Uses for School Physics, Chemistry & Biology
In this article explore the 47 Laboratory Apparatus List for the school’s physics, chemistry, and biology laboratories and how they are important for understanding the subjects. And you can purchase all these school laboratory apparatuses we listed here from The three fundamental disciplines of Science are Physics, Chemistry and Biology, and to have a solid knowledge in all…
Top 10 Lab Safety Equipment for Your Laboratory | Labkafe
Why do we need lab safety equipment To operate in a laboratory you have to make it safe first. Without providing lab safety equipment you run a high risk of horrible accidents. Here is a list of lab safety equipment and why you need them. They are essential safety equipment for your laboratory. Laboratories are…
School lab equipment list for science laboratory | Labkafe
20 Must have school lab equipment for CBSE ICSE Affiliation As the nation becomes greater, the education system is evolving with time as well. As per the National Education Policies that we have brought in, practical education is taking the front gradually. And to implement proper practical education in your school, you will need a…
Laminar Flow of Air- Everything About Laminar Air Flow Cabinets
Laminar flow of air is essential to the functioning of laminar airflow cabinets. A laminar air flow hood is certainly an extremely important piece of laboratory furniture, mostly seen in microbiology or medical labs. Come, let us explore what is laminar air flow, why we use laminar airflow cabinets, and how it works. Everything About…
CGBSE Biology Practical Syllabus & Lab Package | Labkafe
List of CGBSE Biology Lab Practicals The Chhattisgarh board has conducted the 2022 practical exams for class 11 12 in March, and so next year students have to start preparing by now. For this purpose we are presenting here the CGBSE biology practical syllabus for classes XI & XII. This is going to be very…
CGBSE Chemistry Practical Syllabus Class 11-12 | Labkafe
List of CGBSE Chemistry Practicals for Classes XI & XII The Chhattisgarh Board of Secondary Education, or CGBSE in short, controls the intermediate level of education in the state of Chhattisgarh. You can find the Chhattisgarh board official website right here: . They have built up quite a good practical curriculum, and therefore we are presenting…
CGBSE Physics Practical Syllabus Class 11-12 | Labkafe
List of CGBSE Physics Practicals for Class XI XII The Chhattisgarh Board of Secondary Education, or CGBSE in short, controls the intermediate level of education in the state of Chhattisgarh. The Chhattisgarh board official website can be found here: . They have built up quite a solid practical curriculum, and therefore we are presenting the CGBSE…
TSBIE Botany & Zoology Practical and Lab Package | Labkafe
The Telangana board is about to take its final exams for inter year 1-2 for year 2022. As such, you must be anxious to tick off all the items off the TSBIE botany & zoology practical syllabus. Therefore we are presenting here the practical curriculum in an easily understandable format for use by all students…
TSBIE Chemistry Practical Syllabus 2022 | Labkafe
As per a Hindustan Times report , there were 4,59,242 students sitting for TSBIE Chemistry Practical exams last year. About half of them passed it to move to the TS board inter 2nd year course. So, today we will let you know the full TSBIE chemistry practical syllabus in detail. Both students and teachers can benefit from…
TSBIE Physics Practical Syllabus for Classes XI-XII | Labkafe
For this year, the Telangana intermediate board exams are over, but students need to prepare for the next year and teachers need to complete the syllabus as well. For this reason, we have brought you the TSBIE physics practical syllabus in its full and undeleted form. Both students and teachers can benefit from this list…