Category: Chemistry
TSBIE Chemistry Practical Syllabus 2022 | Labkafe
As per a Hindustan Times report , there were 4,59,242 students sitting for TSBIE Chemistry Practical exams last year. About half of them passed it to move to the TS board inter 2nd year course. So, today we will let you know the full TSBIE chemistry practical syllabus in detail. Both students and teachers can benefit from…
What is the BSEB Chemistry Practical Syllabus | Labkafe
List of BSEB Chemistry Lab Practicals Looking at how far the state of Bihar has come in education, it really feels good. Chemistry is among the more difficult subjects that students have to pursue at the intermediate level. So, today we will discuss the BSEB chemistry practical syllabus. This article speaks about the curriculum of…
Laboratory pH Meter Definition, Working Principle, Types | Labkafe
Acids are present everywhere. In modern life, the acidity of various liquids (including water) determines how well or how badly they will work or test. In laboratories, knowing how acidic or alkaline a given solution is what makes or breaks the experiment. And a pH meter is the very lab instrument that tells you this…
Most Common Lab Machines and Their Uses | Labkafe
Modern laboratories are full of amazing and powerful machines that do various kinds of analysis and processing work. From commonplace pathology labs to high-tech physics labs, Labkafe has traversed a wide swath of the laboratory industry. While we were supplying most university or institute-level laboratories, we came to note that some machines were more popular…
AHSEC Chemistry Practical Syllabus | Labkafe
List of AHSEC Chemistry Lab Practical Experiments and Observations Chemistry is everywhere ‒ everything we see, touch, eat is made up of some sort of organic or inorganic chemicals. And the best way to learn chemistry is to do it by hands-on experience. Today, we will talk about the AHSEC chemistry practical syllabus, its exam…
Centrifuge Definition, Operating, and Working Principle | Labkafe
There are many experiments and tests in chemistry and biotechnology where you have to observe precipitates. But the problem with them is that when they form, they generally form a suspension and you will have to wait a long time for them to settle on the bottom of the test tube you used. That’s not…
BIEAP Chemistry Practical Syllabus 2022 | Labkafe
What is the Chemistry Practical Syllabus for Andhra Board Intermediate Level The 2022 board exams are coming near and as such this is a great time to rehash your high school curriculum. The students and teachers of the Andhra Pradesh Board of Intermediate Education should go over the BIEAP Chemistry Practical Syllabus 2022 which we…
What is a wash bottle | Laboratory wash bottles | Squeeze bottles | Labkafe
What is a Wash Bottle A wash bottle is basically a squeeze bottle with a long bent beak, seen mostly in chemistry and biology laboratories. They are generally made of semi-soft plastic that gives away when pushed. This pressure on the bottle squeezes it and enforces the same amount of pressure on the liquid inside.…
Universal Indicator ‒ What is it, Why Do We Need It, and How to Use | Labkafe
Working in a chemistry laboratory with lots of acids and bases? Great stuff, but how do you know what you made is acidic or alkaline? You can hardly tell from the looks, and performing individual tests every time is insane. This is where an universal indicator comes in handy, which can detect how acidic or…
WBCHSE Chemistry Practical List | West Bengal Board HS Chemistry Lab | Labkafe
The practical exams of the West Bengal board are right around the corner. As such, students of Higher Secondary grade (class XI, XII) of the WBCHSE board will benefit from this list of WBCHSE Chemistry Practical Experiments. Your school would need to teach you to perform all of the following lab experiments in order for…
Solubility of Salts ‒ Why Common Salts are So Soluble in Water | Labkafe
We have already discussed why water is the best solvent all-around in a previous blog article; but what about the things that get dissolved in water? There are sugar and salts and various other stuff that get dissolved in water, but salts have the best solubility in water. Now, why should that be? In chemistry labs you…
How To Prepare Original Solution | Labkafe
Last week we discussed the Salt Analysis experiment in chemistry lab class 12 practicals. While talking about performing various tests on the original solution or water extract of the salts, we realized that not everybody can be savvy about how to make the original solutions of salts, or, as they are also called, stock solutions. Hence, we…
Why Water is Called a Universal Solvent | Labkafe
Water is a Universal Solvent, but Why? We cannot imagine life without water. All living things depend upon water in various degrees, and for a good reason. The reason is, water is a universal solvent. What does that mean, and why is water a universal solvent? Today we will set out to explore this. Water…
Color of Common Salts Used in School Laboratories | Labkafe
Your school laboratory has a lot of chemical compounds to work with. Many of them are solid salts used for various reasons. If you are to be a good chemist or at least want to score some fame in the chemistry lab, then you have to be able to identify various compounds by the color…
Top 10 Identification Reactions in School Practical Exams | Labkafe
One of the most common chemistry laboratory experiments in school laboratories is the Identification Reactions or salt analysis of inorganic salts. In these experiments, we analyze a given, unknown salt substance to figure out the cations and anions that make up the salt. You will have to perform various experiments step by step and note…