While everybody will agree that the textbooks of social sciences are full of complicated text and not much organization or agreement with one another, no one would want to prune them out of the syllabus. Indeed, as technology progresses, the impact of it on human lives has become more and more important. Establishing social science parks in schools is one of the best ways to teach children about that.

What is social science anyway?
The answer to this question can be surprisingly complicated. You see, the standard sciences like biology, maths, chemistry, physics etc. deal with how the universe works and how we can use those rules to our advantage, building technology. Social science tells us the impact of science and technology on our lives. Indeed, it teaches us about modern life as it is.
The social sciences encompass a wide range of disciplines from geography to demography to technology to environmental sciences. Through the combination of these we can try to make students understand how the world works and how we affect it. And what better way to do it than interactive and visual education?

The traditional mode of education can only take us so far. Indeed, in our country education has reduced in many places to just mugging over notes before exam day. The goal that we are setting before our kids is not learning things, but passing exams and getting a well-paid job. We are not encouraging them to understand the world, nor are we teaching them to give back to the planet, to help it survive. To help us survive. (Heck, we’re doing precious little in those avenues ourselves as it is.)
Learning social sciences interactively from very young ages is one of the best ways to get out of this rut and take the first step towards becoming a truly global citizen (not just running away to another country for money). And thankfully many of our educational agencies are understanding this gradually.
What is a Social Science Park?
A social science park in a school is basically an outdoor activity and learning area for children to frolic in. This area includes various static or interactive models that showcase and/or demonstrate various principles of social science. The idea behind it is that children should have fun while gathering a lot of important knowledge.
Thus we are able to see many new programs and schemes taking place in various sectors of school education in our nation. For example, the Kerala government has started a new rejuvenation policy which will make their school system more dependent on interactive education than textbooks. There are new directives for government schools such as KVs and JNVs and Army Schools.

I know what you are thinking. It’s all good to give orders, but who will bell the cat? Who will build these social science parks in schools? Who knows what kinds of models and interactive elements should go into these parks? Who is, in short, an expert on hands-on education for kids?
How can Labkafe Help Build Social Science Parks?
The expert on hands-on youth education you’re looking for is Labkafe. We are dedicated to bringing affordable hands-on education to every child in this nation ‒ that’s our very dream. To that end, we have been researching these matters for quite some time now ‒ and have become experts on providing interactive education solutions to schools. We manufacture and install science park, maths park, and social science park equipment and models in schools and communities.
Labkafe provides various sorts of interactive and static models for social science parks. These may include 3D relief maps showing various kinds of regions or ethnicity, apparatus that gives kids ideas about how time is set around the world, basic meteorological models like sundials and wind models, environmental models that teach about safe garbage disposal or that display various ecological niches, etc.
How to Build a Science Park
So, what do you need to build a social science park in your school? Since a social science park is, to begin with, a park area, you would need an open outdoor space inside your education facility. The size of the area would, of course, depend upon how many models you want to keep in there and how much activity you plan to do ‒ but as a ballpark figure we can advise you to start from a 20-by-20 feet space.
This area should be well designed to support lots of foot traffic (meaning with a good pathing solution) but should not be too far removed from nature (meaning you shouldn’t just do it on a big concrete or asphalt square). Apart from the social science equipment, you should also decorate the area appropriately to let the kids know that this is a designated fun zone. For example, if your space is large enough, a few trees would be nice too.

And that is the key point to focus on this whole matter ‒ that learning should be fun. It should not be poring over dusty old books and memorizing them forcefully. Learning should be an interactive, hands-on activity that gives flesh to abstract course material. While school laboratories can do that in part, it is not even close enough to how much we need. As a direct demonstration, try to remember the facts of life that you have learned quite early but still can remember vividly. Haven’t all of them risen out of some practical activity?
The Bottom Line
That whole matter described above is realized by modern education counsellors, the reason why this new education drive is blossoming across India. The next generation will have their curiosity glands stimulated in a very modern, different way. And Labkafe is proud to be a part of this.
Our social science park equipment and models for schools are designed to provoke curiosity and innovative learning. We consider it our responsibility to build a better generation of people tomorrow who are very much aware of their planet, their environment, and their society. To that end, our manufacturing and installation services are available for all private and government schools, colleges, and institutes.
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